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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Outcome of Interview..

I went for the interview, was nervous in the morning, but, the interview turn out to be just fine.. Arrived in KL around 10am, searched for the office and then went for breakfast.. I was lucky Nas came along.. His presence calms me down *wink*

While I was chatting with Iza on Yahoo! Messenger, she told me 'bout the job description (the one that I went to this morning) , we gotta go around town to sell credit cards!! *urrghhh* I'm not gonna do that!

I'm lucky that Iza told me earlier but I'm kinda dissappointed 'coz I've went for the interview already! (it's kinda costly!) ;(


1 comment:

Anbae said...

huuuuh, costly!!!!!!! so sad.,
